Best Ways To Make Your Mobile Website Load Faster In 2022
Everyone who accesses the web always seems to be in a hurry, making a website load as fast as possible should be a priority for webmasters.
Loading speed is even more crucial when it comes to the mobile version of your website. Mobile users are typically on the go all the time, and they would have very little patience for mobile sites that take forever to load.
So if you want to keep the attention of mobile users long enough to generate leads or drive conversions, your mobile website loading speed has to level up.
Keep Redirects Down
Redirects slow down your site since it takes the server some time to find and retrieve the original document requested by a click on the original link, where it no longer resides. The additional seconds the process takes can increase your bounce rate, so minimize your redirects if you want to keep your visitors’ attention and business.

Use Compressed Images
Huge images on your website mean it will take a long time for them to load. To speed things up, use compressed images and scale them for mobile instead. If you can decrease the number of images on your website, that would be greater. Even greater would be not having images at all except for essential graphics like the website logo or something.
Article written by Raluca Crasuleac for